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发布日期:2024-12-30  来源:   点击量:
Flexible Control of Encoded Metasurface Holographic Imaging Based on Fourier Convolution Principle杨芸芸2024-11-01JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY国际期刊
A lightweight defect detection algorithm for escalator stepsYu, Hui2024-10-11SCIENTIFIC REPORTS国际学术会议论文集
Multi-color afterglow of the LiGa5O8:Tb3+/Sm3+ co-doped gallosilicate glass via energy transfer and trap sharing for optical anti-counterfeiting李京2024-10-03JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C国际期刊
Path Optimization of Two-Posture Manipulator of Apple Packing Robots项荣2024-10-02APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL国际期刊
Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Schisandra  propinqua subsp. sinensis (Oliv.) R.M.K.Saunders 1997 (Schisandraceae)张宇2024-10-02MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B: RESOURCES国际期刊
Intuitionistic Linguistic EDAS Method with New Score Function: Case Study on Evaluating Universities’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education赵春鱼2024-09-14systems国际期刊
Elevator health evaluation based on operational state analysis and DANP method陈家焱2024-09-01Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering国际期刊
Multicolor luminescence of Eu3+/Tm3+ co-doped CsPbBr3 quantum dots phosphate glass by mechanical crystallization潘嘉铭2024-09-01Optical Materials国际期刊
Dietary Clostridium butyricum and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 modulate bone metabolism of broilers through the gut-brain axis曹广添2024-08-01POULTRY SCIENCE国际期刊
Optimization of Plant Density and Harvest Time to Maximize Volatile Oil Accumulation in Two Aromatic Plants张宇2024-08-01AGRONOMY-BASEL国际期刊
Hydraulic system fault diagnosis decoupling method based on 2D time-series modeling and self-attention fusion周娟2024-07-15Scientific report国际期刊
Uncovering the chemical bonding basis for ultrasound treatment-induced  improvement in the molecular flexibility of myofibrillar proteins from  low-salt meat batters with added methylcellulose杨慧娟2024-06-26LWT - Food Science and Technology国际期刊
Enhanced Deep Learning Method for Natural Gas Pipeline Flow Prediction Based on Integrated Learning孙长敬2024-06-20IEEE ACCESS国际期刊
Pompon mum-like ionic covalent organic framework nanocomposites for efficient solid-phase extraction of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs李巍霞2024-06-19Journal of Chromatography A国际期刊
Intelligent metasurfaces: Integration of artificial intelligence technology and metasurfaces杨芸芸2024-06-01CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS国际期刊
MSGC-YOLO: An Improved Lightweight Traffic Sign Detection Model under Snow Conditions范昕炜2024-05-14mathematics国际期刊
Structure optimization design of gasket test rig based on response surface model王权2024-05-12International Journal of  Metrology and Quality Engineering国际期刊
Optimizing Accumulator Performance in Hydraulic Systems through Support Vector Regression and Rotational FactorsXu, Zilong2024-05-01PROCESSES国际期刊
Similarity-based residual life prediction method based on dynamic time scale and local similarity search谷梦瑶2024-05-01JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING国际期刊
Multifactor and multidimensional data quality analysis of judge scoring in diving competition蔡伟俊2024-05-01Frontiers in Psychology国际期刊
SC-YOLOv8 Network with Soft-Pooling and Attention for Elevator Passenger Detection陈家焱2024-04-15Applied Sciences国际期刊
Fault Diagnosis for Power Batteries Based on a Stacked Sparse Autoencoder and a Convolutional Block Attention Capsule Network周娟2024-04-01PROCESSES国际期刊
Rapid authentication of geographical origins of Baishao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) slices with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on conventional machine learning and deep learning周菲2024-02-01SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY国际期刊
Terahertz wave biomolecular sensor based on all-dielectric high Q metasurface杨芸芸2024-02-01OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY国际期刊
APETALA2/ethylene-responsive factors in higher plant and their roles in regulation of plant stress response唐琼2024-01-24Critical Reviews in Biotechnology国际期刊
基于 CNN 与 SVDD 融合的螺栓图像检测方法研究徐志玲2024-01-17中国测试核心期刊
Characterization of anthocyanins in Gynura bicolor DC using HPLC-Q-Orbitrap MS and its stability during microwave vacuum drying陶菲2024-01-15LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCSSCI刊源
Optimized LSTM based on an improved sparrow search algorithm for power battery fault diagnosis in new energy vehicles周盛薇2024-01-01International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering国际期刊
Remote water meter calibration based on weighted least squares algorithm周娟2024-01-01International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering国际期刊
Design of petal-shaped probe for pulse eddy current testing based on finite element simulation周海婷2024-01-01Journal of Physics: Conference Series国际学术会议论文集
Time-Frequency Fusion Features Based GSWOA-KELM Model for Gear Fault Diagnosis胡沁2024-01-01LUBRICANTS国际期刊
Screening and Characterization of an α-Amylase Inhibitor from Carya cathayensis Sarg. Peel陶菲2023-12-09Foods国际期刊
Uncovering the rheological properties basis for freeze drying  treatment-induced improvement in the solubility of myofibrillar proteins杨慧娟2023-12-02Current Research in Food Science国际期刊
Fault Diagnosis Method for Power Cable Production Line Based on Multiple Sensors徐新胜2023-12-01ICNEPE2023国际学术会议论文集
Measuring in-service traction elevator reliability based on orthogonal defect classification and Markov analysis周娟2023-12-01PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART O-JOURNAL OF RISK AND RELIABILITY人文类权威期刊,国际期刊
Classification Model of Control Charts Based on ML-SVM洪涛2023-12-01ACM International Conference Proceeding Series国际学术会议论文集
Fast identification of geographical origins of Baishao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) using the deep fusion of LIBS spectrum and ablation image周菲2023-11-01MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL国际期刊
Lutein-Rich Beverage Alleviates Visual Fatigue in the Hyperglycemia Model of Sprague–Dawley Rats唐琼2023-10-27Metabolites国际期刊
Terahertz wave biomolecular sensor based on all-dielectric high  Q metasurface杨芸芸2023-10-24Optics and Laser TechnologyCSSCI刊源,国际期刊
In-situ and fast classification of origins of Baishao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) slices based on auto-focus laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy周菲2023-07-01Optics Letters国际期刊
Research on Variable Monitoring Strategy Based on Fault Risk Degree谷梦瑶2023-06-27Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering国际学术会议论文集
A Fault Diagnosis Method for Power Battery Based on Multiple Model周娟2023-06-19Electronics国际期刊
Improved similarity-based residual life prediction method based on grey Markov model谷梦瑶2023-05-08Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering国际期刊
Bayesian  uncertainty inferencing for fault diagnosis of intelligent instruments in IOT system柳青2023-04-25Applied Science国际期刊
The impact of hydrogen on mechanical performance of carbon alloy plates detected by eddy current method周海婷2023-04-02Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation国际期刊
Influence and optimization of long-time superfine grinding on the physicochemical features of green tea powder周菲2023-04-01JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS国际期刊
Fast extraction of aflatoxins, ochratoxins and enniatins from maize with magnetic covalent organic framework prior to HPLC-MS/MS detection楼超艳2023-03-15Food ChemistryCSSCI刊源,国际期刊,一级期刊
Research on health state assessment and prediction for complex equipment based on the improved FMECA and GM (1,1)谷梦瑶2023-03-15International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management国际期刊
基于改进Mask R-CNN的番茄茎秆分类方法项荣2023-02-25湖南大学学报(自然科学版)核心期刊
Magnetic and structural properties of nanocomposite permanent magnet produced from crystallization of Pr4Fe67Nb4Cu2Zr1B22 alloy陶姗2023-02-15Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials国际期刊
Improved MLP Energy Meter Fault Diagnosis Method Based on DBN钟超淳2023-02-13Electronics国际期刊
Host-guest synergy of CH3NH3PbBr3@Ln-MOFs enabling tunable green luminescence and switchable memory赵黎明2022-12-24Applied Surface Science国际期刊
Method for residual useful life prediction based on compound similarity谷梦瑶2022-12-03Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology国际期刊
Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings Thickness Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Combined with Hybrid Machine Learning ApproachesRui Li2022-12-01Coatings国际期刊
Preparation, Bioactivities and Applications in Food Industry of Chitosan-Based Maillard Products: A Review杨慧娟2022-11-30molecules国际期刊
Evaluation of Gasket Surface Contact Stress Uniformity Based on Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix陈家焱2022-11-02Applied Sciences国际期刊
K-Means Clustering and Bidirectional Long- and Short-Term Neural Networks for Predicting Performance Degradation Trends of Built-In Relays in Meters陈家焱2022-10-25Sensors国际期刊
An improved similarity-based residual life prediction method based on the dynamic variable combination谷梦瑶2022-09-29Sdhan国际期刊
Optimization Method of RFID Reader Antenna Deployment in Obstacle Environment Based on Improved FA洪涛2022-09-24International Journal of Antennas and Propagation国际期刊
Research on the Life Prediction Method of Meters Based on a Nonlinear Wiener Process陈家焱2022-07-01Electronics国际期刊
Freeze‐Thawing Assisted Preparation of Acid‐Hydrolyzed Starch: Microstructure and Physicochemical Properties杨芸芸2022-06-28Starch‐St?rke国际期刊
Fault Diagnosis Method of Smart Meters Based on DBN-CapsNet周娟2022-06-05Electronics一级期刊
Recognition for Stems of Tomato Plants at Night Based on a Hybrid Joint Neural Network项荣2022-06-01Agriculture-Basel国际期刊
Assembly process optimization of electromechanical meters based on robust design周娟2022-05-15International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering一级期刊
标准国际话语权提升的影响因素 —基于扎根理论的多案例探索顾兴全2022-05-01社会科学家CSSCI扩展,核心期刊
Effects of Oral Administration of Bamboo (Dendrocalamus membranaceus) Leaf Flavonoids on the Antioxidant Capacity, Caecal Microbiota, and Serum Metabolome of Gallus gallus domesticus曹广添2022-03-03Frontiers in nutrition国际期刊
Repurposing fish waste into gelatin as a potential alternative for mammalian sources: A review杨慧娟2022-01-06COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY国际期刊
