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赵黎明 讲师

发布日期:2024-03-11  来源:   点击量:

赵黎明 讲师 硕士研究生导师


2015.09—2020.12 福州大学 博士

2019.11—2020.8 英国赫尔大学 联合培养博士

2021.04—2023.12 中国计量大学标准化学院 专任教师

2023.10—2024.10 国家市场监督管理总局 挂职锻炼

2023.12—至今 中国计量大学标准化学院 专任教师










Liming Zhao, Carl Redshaw, Kuixing Ding, Pengyue Zhang, Bin Chen, Zhirong Chen, Jiugang Hu, Haohong Li. Host-guest synergy of CH3NH3PbBr3@Ln-MOFs enabling tunable green luminescence and switchable memory Applied Surface Science, 2023, 614, 156082.

2. Li-Ming Zhao, Wei Wu, Xia-Qiang Shen, Qian Liu, Yan He, Kai-Yue Song, Hao-Hong Li* and Zhi-Rong Chen*. Nonvolatile Electrical Bistability Behaviors Observed in Au/AgNanoparticle-Embedded MOFs and Switching Mechanisms ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 47073-47082.

3. Li-Ming Zhao, Xia-Qiang Shen, Li-Ting Tan, Wen-Ting Zhang, Kai-Yue Song, Rong Jiang, Hao-Hong Li * and Zhi-Rong Chen*, Encapsulation of stilbazolium-type dyes into layered metal–organic frameworks: solventdependent luminescence chromisms and their mechanisms Inorg. Chem. Front, 2019, 6, 1195–1208.

4. Li-Ming Zhao, Xia-Qiang Shen, Qian Liu, Wei Wu, Hao-Hong Li*, Zhi-Rong Chen and Yi Li*, Hao-Hong Li*, Core-Shell Structured Layered Lanthanide-Organic Complexes with Stilbazolium-type Dye Encapsulation for Multifunctional Performances Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2020, 15, 136-147.

5. Li-Ming Zhao, Wen-Ting Zhang, Kai-Yue Song, Qi-Qi Wu, Yi Li, Hao-Hong Li* and Zhi-Rong Chen*. Lead-carboxylate/polyiodide hybrids constructed from halogen bonding and asymmetric viologen: structures, visible-light-driven photocatalytic properties and enhanced photocurrent response CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 2245-2252.

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